*What is acetabuloplasty:
- Percutaneous acetabuloplasty is a minimally invasive procedure for the management of Primary or metastatic lytic lesions of the acetabulum causing hip pain.
- Osteolytic metastases around the acetabulum are common in patients having tumor.
Why it is necessary:
- It may cause intense and drug-resistant pain of the hip because of structural weakening of the pelvis.
- It may sometimes lead to pathological fractures, forcing the patients to bed rest, and considerable increase of co-morbidity.
- So it is necessary in patients having:
- Weight bearing acetabular osteolysis,
- Hip pain resistant to drugs
- Patients who cannot tolerate major surgery and refractory to radiotherapy.
How it performed:
- A 11 gauge bone biopsy needle, under fluoroscopic guidance, is passed into the acetabular bone followed by injection of acrylic bone cement (commonly polymethylmethacrylate; PMMA) into lytic acetabular cavity through biopsy needle.
What are benefits:
- Immediately restore the mechanical properties of the affected acetabular segment.
- It also reduces or eliminates pain. So it improves the quality of life of patients with osteolytic bone tumours.
Preparation for procedure:
- Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
- Bring all the records including imaging record.
- Signing consent form.
What are risks:
- Very less; Cement leak, joint damage or infection (<1 case in 1000).
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